The New Normal

For the last 2 months, we have been working to prepare for "the New Normal".  Following CDC and state board guidelines, we had to implement new protocols along with acquiring all the proper PPE and safety measures to ensure both our staff and our patients were well protected.  After battling with supply companies only to have orders cancelled either do to the small size of the order, or to the fact we were a dental office - we got fed up with the system.  We had to find new suppliers and buy in bulk in order to acquire all the PPE to open safely.  These last 2 months have been a tough learning experience, but has also given us the opportunity to help other doctors.  Hopefully by sourcing high quality PPE at low prices, we are able to help pass on the savings and supplies to offices across the country be able to open safely.  We are real dentists, hygenists, and assistants that use these products, not just some discount supply house.

We are honest people with heart who want to help our communities get what they need quickly at a fair price.
The cost of shipping has quadrupled and because of supply and demand - PPE costs have increased.  We are constantly looking to find suppliers with the best prices in order to pass the savings on to you.  We are here to help.  BE SAFE.